Our Design Principles
Creating strong communities is an important part of our work. To us, what we build is as important as why we build. We have been helping to build projects that make communities more sustainable (and livable) for twenty years. Take a look at some of our design principles and how they take shape as real projects in your community.
Community as Connection

Mixed use means commercial on bottom, and residential on top. These kinds of buildings activate the street, creating a vibrant atmosphere, and increase walkability.
Pedestrian Oriented

Pedestrian oriented means putting the car out of view. By pushing vehicular traffic to rear access points or compact areas, the garage is removed from the face of the home opening up the neighborhood to green spaces and design.
Integrated Green Space

Pocket parks put a little green in a space that might otherwise be pavement. Greenery is not only aesthetic, but helps with the health of the environment and the surrounding community.
Housing Diversity
Health and Wellness
Local Character

Creating housing that is available to all ranges of family types and individuals is important to our office's ethical responsibilities. More importantly, it serves to benefit the economics of the community. Mixing the cost of available housing allows more families to live where they choose, and closer to their jobs.

Selecting healthy materials is important for LEED and sustainable design. Low chemical emisions creates healthier indoor spaces increasing both mental and physical well-being. Durable materials also last longer, needing to be replaced and refinished less often, leaving a smaller overall footprint and impact on the environment.

Building energy efficient projects begins with the very conception of a design. Our team analyzes the existing site in order to determine the best design options to ensure efficient use of natural resources such as solar energy. Choosing the best construction methods and assemblies is also a major part of what our firm does to ensure a project saves the most energy and leaves the smallest impact on the environment.